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   Interactive web site and custom projects design
- Need to be online with your personal or company web site?
- Need to improve your web site graphics, speed and interactivity?
- Would you give your customers a shopping cart available 24 hours for 7 days a week?
- Ever wanted to easily update the images and text of your web site by yourself?  DEMO
- Need a database or application running online with ASP technology?
- Need to translate and expand your whole web site with an italian language section?
We can help you:   ask Livio.net !!

new! Interactive web site development with text and images easily updated via browser directly by the user, without need to know languages or programming techniques.  DEMO
e-commerce web sites hosted on "safe" Server, with a shopping cart available 24 hours for 7 days a week.
Password protected company or personal web site or pages for registered users.
Pages written on different languages, graphics animated with Flash, detailed statistics.
ASP "Active Server Pages" and Javascript "Client Side" technology development.
Submission and registration of your web site on main search engines in Italy and worldwide.
Direct phone assistance.
With collaboration of:    Lnet.it Hosting Service Provider


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