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 Special ASCII Characters Reference
Special ASCII Characters Reference
Name Code Hexadecimal Number Code Glyph Description
%00 - %08 � -  unused
%09 	   horizontal tab
   line feed
%0B  unused
%20     space
%21 ! ! exclamation mark
" %22 " " double quotation mark
%23 # # number sign
%24 $ $ dollar sign
%25 % % percent sign
& %26 & & ampersand
%27 ' ' apostrophe
%28 ( ( left parenthesis
%29 ) ) right parenthesis
%2A * * asterisk
%2B + + plus sign
%2C , , comma
%2D - - hyphen
%2E . . period
Name Code Hexadecimal Number Code Glyph Description
%2F / / slash
%30 - %39 0 - 9 digits 0-9
%3A : : colon
%3B &#59; ; semicolon
&lt; %3C &#60; < less-than sign
%3D &#61; = equals sign
&gt; %3E &#62; > greater-than sign
%3F &#63; ? question mark
%40 &#64; @ at sign
%41 - %5A &#65; - &#90; uppercase letters A-Z
%5B &#91; [ left square bracket
%5C &#92; \ backslash
%5D &#93; ] right square bracket
%5E &#94; ^ caret
%5F &#95; _ horizontal bar (underscore)
%60 &#96; ` grave accent
%61 - %7A &#97; - &#122; lowercase letters a-z
%7B &#123; { left curly brace
%7C &#124; | vertical bar
Name Code Hexadecimal Number Code Glyph Description
%7D &#125; } right curly brace
%7E &#126; ~ tilde
%7F &#127;  square
%80 - %81 &#128; - &#129; unused
%82 &#130; comma
%83 &#131; ƒ function
%84 &#132; low left rising double quote
%85 &#133; ellipsis
%86 &#134; dagger mark
%87 &#135; double dagger
%88 &#136; ˆ letter modifying circumflex
%89 &#137; per thousand sign
%8A &#138; Š capital S caron or haceck
%8B &#139; left single angle quote
%8C &#140; Πcapital OE ligature
%8D - %90 &#141; - &#144; unused
%91 &#145; left single quotation mark
%92 &#146; right single quoatation mark
%93 &#147; left double quotation mark
%94 &#148; right double quotation mark
%95 &#149; round solid bullet
%96 &#150; en dash
%97 &#151; em dash
%98 &#152; ˜ small tilde
%99 &#153; trademark
%9A &#154; š s caron or hacek
%9B &#155; right single angle quotation mark
%9C &#156; œ small oe ligature
%9D - %9E &#157; - &#158; unused
%9F &#159; Ÿ capital Y umlaut
&nbsp; %A0 &#160;   nonbreaking space
%A1 &#161; ¡ inverted exclamation
%A2 &#162; ¢ cent sign
%A3 &#163; £ pound sterling
%A4 &#164; ¤ general currency sign
%A5 &#165; ¥ yen sign
%A6 &#166; ¦ broken vertical bar
%A7 &#167; § section sign
%A8 &#168; ¨ umlaut
&copy; %A9 &#169; © copyright
%AA &#170; ª feminine ordinal
%AB &#171; « left angle quote
%AC &#172; ¬ not sign
%AD &#173; ­ soft hyphen
&reg; %AE &#174; ® registered trademark
%AF &#175; ¯ macron accent
Name Code Hexadecimal Number Code Glyph Description
%B0 &#176; ° degree sign
%B1 &#177; ± plus or minus
%B2 &#178; ² superscript two
%B3 &#179; ³ superscript three
%B4 &#180; ´ acute accent
%B5 &#181; µ micro sign
%B6 &#182; paragraph sign
%B7 &#183; · middle dot
%B8 &#184; ¸ cedilla
%B9 &#185; ¹ superscript one
%BA &#186; º masculine ordinal
%BB &#187; » right angle quote
%BC &#188; ¼ one-fourth
%BD &#189; ½ one-half
%BE &#190; ¾ three-fourths
%BF &#191; ¿ inverted question mark
&Agrave; %C0 &#192; À uppercase A, grave accent
&Aacute; %C1 &#193; Á uppercase A, acute accent
&Acirc; %C2 &#194; Â uppercase A, circumflex accent
Name Code Hexadecimal Number Code Glyph Description
&Atilde; %C3 &#195; Ã uppercase A, tilde
&Auml; %C4 &#196; Ä uppercase A, umlaut
&Aring; %C5 &#197; Å uppercase A, ring
&AElig; %C6 &#198; Æ uppercase AE
&Ccedil; %C7 &#199; Ç uppercase C, cedilla
&Egrave; %C8 &#200; È uppercase E, grave accent
&Eacute; %C9 &#201; É uppercase E, acute accent
&Ecirc; %CA &#202; Ê uppercase E, circumflex accent
&Euml; %CB &#203; Ë uppercase E, umlaut
&Igrave; %CC &#204; Ì uppercase I, grave accent
&Iacute; %CD &#205; Í uppercase I, acute accent
&Icirc; %CE &#206; Î uppercase I, circumflex accent
&Iuml; %CF &#207; Ï uppercase I, umlaut
&ETH; %D0 &#208; Ð uppercase Eth, Icelandic
&Ntilde; %D1 &#209; Ñ uppercase N, tilde
&Ograve; %D2 &#210; Ò uppercase O, grave accent
&Oacute; %D3 &#211; Ó uppercase O, acute accent
&Ocirc; %D4 &#212; Ô uppercase O, circumflex accent
&Otilde; %D5 &#213; Õ uppercase O, tilde
Name Code Hexadecimal Number Code Glyph Description
&Ouml; %D6 &#214; Ö uppercase O, umlaut
%D7 &#215; × multiplication sign
&Oslash; %D8 &#216; Ø uppercase O, slash
&Ugrave; %D9 &#217; Ù uppercase U, grave accent
&Uacute; %DA &#218; Ú uppercase U, acute accent
&Ucirc; %DB &#219; Û uppercase U, circumflex accent
&Uuml; %DC &#220; Ü uppercase U, umlaut
&Yacute; %DD &#221; Ý uppercase Y, acute accent
&THORN; %DE &#222; Þ uppercase THORN, Icelandic
&szlig; %DF &#223; ß lowercase sharps, German
&agrave; %E0 &#224; à lowercase a, grave accent
&aacute; %E1 &#225; á lowercase a, acute accent
&acirc; %E2 &#226; â lowercase a, circumflex accent
&atilde; %E3 &#227; ã lowercase a, tilde
&auml; %E4 &#228; ä lowercase a, umlaut
&aring; %E5 &#229; å lowercase a, ring
&aelig; %E6 &#230; æ lowercase ae
&ccedil; %E7 &#231; ç lowercase c, cedilla
&egrave; %E8 &#232; è lowercase e, grave accent
Name Code Hexadecimal Number Code Glyph Description
&eacute; %E9 &#233; é lowercase e, acute accent
&ecirc; %EA &#234; ê lowercase e, circumflex accent
&euml; %EB &#235; ë lowercase e, umlaut
&igrave; %EC &#236; ì lowercase i, grave accent
&iacute; %ED &#237; í lowercase i, acute accent
&icirc; %EE &#238; î lowercase i, circumflex accent
&iuml; %EF &#239; ï lowercase i, umlaut
&eth; %F0 &#240; ð lowercase eth, Icelandic
&ntilde; %F1 &#241; ñ lowercase n, tilde
&ograve; %F2 &#242; ò lowercase o, grave accent
&oacute; %F3 &#243; ó lowercase o, acute accent
&ocirc; %F4 &#244; ô lowercase o, circumflex accent
&otilde; %F5 &#245; õ lowercase o, tilde
&ouml; %F6 &#246; ö lowercase o, umlaut
%F7 &#247; ÷ division sign
&oslash; %F8 &#248; ø lowercase o, slash
&ugrave; %F9 &#249; ù lowercase u, grave accent
&uacute; %FA &#250; ú lowercase u, acute accent
&ucirc; %FB &#251; û lowercase u, circumflex accent
Name Code Hexadecimal Number Code Glyph Description
&uuml; %FC &#252; ü lowercase u, umlaut
&yacute; %FD &#253; ý lowercase y, acute accent
&thorn; %FE &#254; þ lowercase thorn, Icelandic
&yuml; %FF &#255; ÿ lowercase y, umlaut
&#8217; curly apostrophe*
&#8220; open quotation mark*
&#8221; close quotation mark*
&euro; &#8364; Euro symbol*
&#8734; Infinity sign*
&#8800; Not equal to sign*
&#8776; Approximately equal sign*
&#8801; Identical to sign*
&#8804; Less than or equal to sign*
&#8805; Greater than or equal to sign*
&#8747; Integral sign*
&#8706; Partial differential sign*
&#8710; Increment sign*
&#8719; N-ary product sign*
&#8721; N-ary sum sign*
&#8730; Square root sign*
&#8539; One eighth fraction*
&frac14; &#188; ¼ One quarter fraction*
&#8540; Three eighths fraction*
&frac12; &#189; ½ One half fraction*
&#8541; Five eighths fraction*
&frac34; &#190; ¾ Three quarters fraction*
&#8542; Seven eighths fraction*


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