Select between 165 resource reference links (listed in alphabetical order), useful to find Scripts, Informations, Tutorials, Solutions and Resources for coders and developers on internet. Now featured with direct feed (where available), just click on the image link. This list is growing every day.
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A collection of scripts free and commercial, php scripts, clone scripts, web scripts, web softwares, tutorials, design resources and snippets for webmasters.
Tutorial Hero
Your daily source for ASP tutorials, tips and tricks. Tutorial Hero - one of the largest ASP tutorial collections on the web.
Huge collection of scripts and applications in many categories.
Ex Designz
Your definitive Web portal and community with features such as forum, private messaging, quicklist, entertainment, download and Information technology.
Join and become a part of an international community dedicated to excellence, service and knowledge creation.
Collection of scripts. Languages and technologies: ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, C, C ++, CFML, CGI, Perl, XML, Flash, Java, JavaScript, AJAX, PHP, Python, Remotely Hosted, Tools and Utilities.
More than 11377 Resources Listed in 745 Categories.
ASPit features high-quality ASP and ASP.net articles, tutorials and codesnippets. It also has a huge database with commonly asked questions.
Scripts20.com - Scripts reviews, articles and information related to ASP, ASP.net, PHP, Perl Flash, XML, C ++, HTML Tutorials, Java/JavaScripts.
Scripts Directory
Extensive collection of ASP, ASP.net, Perl, PHP, Action script, Java Script, Python, and other CGI scripts and resources.
byte My Code
byteMyCode is a project designed to make the task of sharing source code easier.
Web Link
Web-Link il sito italiano per fare e costruire pagine web in modo facile e gratuito. Tutto quello che serve per costruiire la tua pagina web, insegnamenti compresi. In italian
Cerca Manuali
Motore di ricerca manuali guide tutorial faq sull'informatica sul computer su internet in lingua italiana. In italian
lukeonweb.net - Il giornale per Webmaster. In italian.
DevSpy.com è un portale indipendente di Information Technology dedicato a programmatori e architetti IT che progettano e realizzano applicativi, componenti e servizi per i sistemi Microsoft Windows. In italian
Sassi Design
Sassidesign.it - Tutorial e script Php, Asp, Html, Css, Database, Web Marketing, Motori di Ricerca ecc... In italian.
Extro website si occupa di accessibilità, usabilità, web e UI design, standard W3C, semantic web e architettura dell'informazione. In italian.
I Programmatori
Portale dei programmatori - Offerte di lavoro per programmatori e sistemisti, Forum dei programmatori, Articoli e Script Free - asp, asp.net, .net framework, php, javascript, sql. In talian.
Un sito dedicato a Linux e allo scripting server side con PHP; sono presenti tutorials su Linux, scripts PHP e MySQL, informazioni utili per i webmasters e una sezione download. In italian.
ASP Center
ASP, SQL e XML resources for Microsoft Windows developers, in italian
World Of ASP.net
This site is provided for listing all the ASP.NET related resources covering All ASP.NET related Scripts, Controls, Components, Hosting , Tutorials and etc.
A collection of free tutorial books on latest programming technologies. All books are based on Herong's personal experience and ideal for developers learning new technologies.
One of the largest tutorials collection for developers on the web
HTML Source
HTML tutorials and well-researched links on all aspects of web design, equally suited to beginners and advanced webmasters
TopXML, covering all uses of XML in many languages supprting XML, providing working XML sample code, XML tutorials and XML-related references, authoring tools, XML developer resources, XML discussion forums and XML blogs
Sam Spade
A MUST resource to trace IPs and DNS
ASP, PHP, SQL, HTML, Javascript resources. Large collection of tutorials with working examples and source code.
SnapFiles - download freeware and shareware software programs, fully reviewed and rated.
Free HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, DHTML, XML, DOM, XSL, XSLT, RSS, ASP, ADO, PHP, SQL tutorial, reference, examples for web building.
Advance Scripts
Your programming directory for scripts, source code, books, examples, help and more! Now with thousands of categorized listings in a searchable index. all scripts RESOURCE All for free.
Free Code Momma
Free Code Momma is the best Web index of free and open source software. Get free tutorials, online books, and source code.
Developer Tutorials
Developer Tutorials covers various programming languages such as HTML, PHP, Java, ASP, JavaScript and more. The programming tutorials are there to guide new to advanced web developers on key areas of web development. DT also feature an extensive Scripts Directory, Web Hosting Directory, Hosting articles, Developer Manuals and Web Development News and Forums.
The V7 Network
Web Development Community. Scripts, graphics, forums and more.
WebmastersChannel.com is a free webmaster resources directory with quality links to PHP scripts, affiliate programs, web hosting, domain registration, scripts and programming resources, web design, tutorials, webmaster tools, search engines, webmaster directories, ecommerce and other webmaster resources.
Mr. Webmaster
Mr. WebMaster č il portale di riferimento dei Webmaster italiani!
Scripts Wave
Very large collection of scripts, almost 6000 in 545 categories, plus resources, toos and tutorials, mandatory to visit.
Il punto di riferimento per visitare i fondali della Riviera Ligure di ponente.
Web development resources database.
Tizag was designed to teach beginner web programmers how to use HTML and CSS. Now is available a complete serie of tutorials for ASP, VBscript, PHP, Javascript, Perl and more.
Script Gateway
Scripts Gateway is a web catalog that combines web development related resourses and presents them to webmasters and programmers to enhance their sites with dynamic web content scripts.
Ridiamocisu, un sito esilarante per mantenere il giusto livello di buon umore fra uno script e l'altro.
Script Search
Your programming directory for free JavaScript, scripts, php, flash, source code, books, examples, help and more! Now with thousands of categorized listings in a searchable index.
Perfect Scripts
Directory containing of PHP, ASP, CGI, Perl, JavaScript, XML, Python, ColdFusion, C/C++ and remotely hosted scripts and programs.
Scripts Bank
A large web directory of ASP, ASP.NET, C, C++, CGI, Perl, ColdFusion, JavaScript, PHP, Python, XML, and hosted scripts.
Need Scripts
One stop Web Development Resource providing reviews, articles and information related to ASP, ASP.net, PHP, Perl Flash, XML, C ++, HTML Tutorials, Java/JavaScripts and more.
CrazyBeaver Software
Don't miss this huge range of freeware/shareware ASP scripts and components from a great coder.
ASP Indir
Largest script repository in Turkey.
Really valid reference and help for beginners and experts about internet. In italian.
Applications asp, asp.net code, scripts, applications, components and more.
Download Free Trial
Software directory containing many programs including asp scripts and components software.
Webmaster resources: scripts, tutorial, asp, javascripts, css, php, html, java, ADO, VBScript, forms, frames, Active Server Pages, Dynamic HTML, database, gratis per webmaster e webdesigner. In italian and english.
AZ Point.net
Multifunctional portal, plenty of resources and links. In italian
Code Beach is your ultimate guide to ASP Tutorials.
Scripts and Codes
More than 5000 Tutoriallinks for HTML, PHP, JAVA, ASP, VBSCRIPT, PHOTOSHOP, ...
The italian resource on Active Server Pages ( ASP & ASP.NET ). In italian.
Iteresting articles and tutorials for beginners and advanced developers. In italian.
La Community italiana per sviluppatori ASP e .NET
ASP programming and development, with well commented scripts, in italian.
Dynamic Drive
DHTML(dynamic html) & JavaScript code library, a comprehensive DHTML site featuring DHTML scripts, tutorials, and more.
ASP Alliance
ASPAlliance.com : ASP and ASP.NET Tutorials : Free Tutorials, Articles, Examples, Code Snippets, Lists, and more!
WWW Coder
Tutorials and Resouces for the ASP.Net Portal Developer. We focus on ASP.Net portals like DotNetNuke. Your complete source for ASP.Net portal tutorials, articles, free code, and DotNetNuke news, and resources.
EZ Goal
ASP Scripts , ASP Scripts directory, ASP Scripts sites, ASP Scripts search engine, ASP Scripts tutorials, asp programs.
123 AspX
The largest Directory of ASP.NET Resources. Featuring extensive links to ASP.NET Tutorials, Tutorials, Examples, Code, Hosting, programming, basics, script, and more. Our home page displays the hottest and latest links to industry resources.
ScriptAds.com is a web-programming based script resource site. Advertise your scripts for free!
Script Dungeon
Directory of free ASP scripts, free PHP scripts, free Java scripts, free tools and utilites for use by web developers, network admins, and home users.
Asp Tutorial Info
Active server pages - asp tutorial for beginners with free script codes.
ASP Experts
Comprehensive ASP resources: tutorials, applications, components, tools and links to other ASP sites. Weekly showcase of applications, tutorials and sites.
Nice collection of Free Web Scripts, PHP scripts, JavaScript, CGI, ASP scripts, and many more! Script Wiz.
ASP Web Pro
Active Server Pages is one of the top technologies for web site development. ASP Web Pro specializes in ASP programming. We offer free asp scripts, asp tutorials, and low cost asp applications for your web site.
Featured collection with ton of scripts in many languages. Dont miss!
Scripts Directory at Scripts.com is a collection of web resources aimed at internet programmers and developers. Scripts.com maintains a huge list of ready to use scripts and development tools to assist programmers to create dynamic content for their internet and intranet projects.
FreeScripts.com: Free CGI Scripts asp php javascript perl.
SiteScripts is the web developers script portal, containing PHP scripts, ASP scripts, Javascripts and resources for web masters, web developers and programmers. SiteScripts contains a huge selection of free and commercial resources, for anyone looking to enhance their websites with powerful tools.
PHP, ASP, VBScript, Microsoft dot Net Free Software. Most of this software is built using the .Net Framework.
Elegant Scripts
Online directory that supports numerous categories of PHP, ASP, Perl and much more for free and commercial scripts and classifies them for webmasters.
FAT Scripts
Hosting web scripts in PHP, javascript, ASP, Perl, and more. High quality script directory for programmers, web developers, and webmasters.
Web Page Tools
Free online web tools and free code generators - cut & paste web page tools! Web site tools and code generators to help you build your web site!
Big Webmaster
A directory of ASP scripts, programs, and applications used for both novice to professional ASP developers and webmasters.
Free html javascript java asp and dhtml code tutorials and scripts.
Content Management System developed by Livio.net
Another greath Italian resource for ASP developers.
W3 Code
A web based resource to improve quality and speed of software development.
ASP Scripts.info
ASPScripts.info Directory Of ASP Applications, Reviews, Downloads and More! Ready To Run ASP Scripts Along With References And Tutorials.
Olate is the home of ASP, C++, HTML, MySQL, PHP tutorials and articles and website & phpBB/vBulletin styles.
A FREE web development resource with tutorials, scripts, articles and more.

on MSDN Not perfect, but a relatively "pure-ASP"
area |
A great site plenty of resources, applications and free ASP scripts, you cannot miss.
The Web Builder 101 project
Eddy Revollo built the site because he wanted to create a resource site to share with everybody all he has learned through the years as a Web developer.
VB Wire
Visual Basic news and information source.
Our main goal is to provide free help and content to the Developers community, we encourage Open Source Development and Peer Assistance.
Total ASP
An ASP & ASP.NET portal featuring a lot of resources from the UK community.
SourceForge.net is the world's largest Open Source software development website, with the largest repository of Open Source code and applications available on the Internet.
Programmers Heaven
Programmers' Heaven - For free C++, Visual Basic, ASP, sourcecode, programming, javascript, code, delphi, pascal and more.
This site is growing into a nice resource.
P2P Wrox
Programmer to programmer community forums!
Some very interesting free scripts, dont miss it!!
Resources reference and free ASP scripts, growing each day.
This is another site maintained by Charles Carroll, and its specialized in Active Server Pages programming issues. Contains links to a wide range of resources and articles.
Scripts repository in french.
Database driven Web Site, with WYSIWYG editor. Author Livio Siri.
Support Central for Internet Information Server frequently asked questions.
IIS Answers
Support Central for Internet Information Server 4 and 5
Host Pulse
Dedicated Servers - Hosting Directory - Cheap Web Hosting.
FCK Editor
This HTML text editor brings to the web many of the powerful functionalities of desktop editors like MS Word. It's lightweight and doesn't require any kind of installation on the client computer. Because it is Open Source, you may use it however you want.
Fuzzy Software
Comprehensive, categorised, searchable collection of links to ASP & ASP.NET resources...
Find Tutorials
Featuring government funded courses, e-learning, tutorials and career resources.
Dev X
The know-how behind applications development.
Macromedia - DevNet
While much of the content is Dreamweaver MX-centric, they also have a fair amount of plain vanilla ASP.NET content as well.
Developers Fusion
The UK developer community. They have got hundreds of pages of VB, ASP, .NET and C++ tutorials and source code.
Developers Dex
A community for developers, plenty of articles and resources.
Site for ASP.NET, VB.NET, XML and C# (C-Sharp) Developers.
Lot ASP and XML Articles, Samples, Toturials, Sample Chapters and resources for Developers.
A great new site. It's got some great stuff and is using JScript! A must see!
Code Project
Your place for 10,000+ free C++, C# and .NET articles, code snippets, discussions, news and the best bunch of developers on the net.
Codefixer is aimed primarily at the beginner to intermediate ASP developer though there are many articles, tutorials and resources for the more advanced. One of the best sites for beginners.
CodeHound ASP - The ASP Developer's Search Engine!
CGI Network
Huge collection of ASP, PHP, CGI Scripts, articles and tutorials.
A neat ASP reference with some interesting features. Check out their "Script Writers"
The website for advanced ASP developers.
ASPWire, the ASP Newswire, is your ultimate source of Active Server Pages news.
ASP Today
ASPToday is specialized in bringing you the practical code, solutions and information you need to develop top quality websites.
ASP Sites
A great place to go to find ASP resources fast!
The site that enables Active Server Pages developers to share their content using the RSS XML standard.
ASP Objects
The mission of the site is to provide you free ASP Scripts, Active Server Page Resources, ASP free components... and more.
Get the latest code, tips and tricks, article highlights and expert opinion on ASP.NET.
The ASP Resource Index. Here you will find the stuff you need to take advantage of ASP and make your website an interactive mecca.
The ASP Guild
The ASP Guild is a virtual not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the use of Active Server Pages technology.
ASP Free
Your 1st source for free ASP and ASP.NET live demos, downloads and more!!!
ASP Forums
ASP Forums is a young site dedicated to bringing you the best in free ASP Forum software.
The ASP Emporium
Free Active Server Applications and Examples by Bill Gearhart. Also a must for the really complete Code Library.
Have a question about ASP? Check the ASP FAQ site. They've probably got the answer.
ASP Connections
ASP Connections Conference for the ASP Developer features sessions on ASP Performance, IIS 5.0, ASP 3.0, XML, ADO, E-Commerce, VID, COM, COM+, MTS, DHTML, load balancing, and more. Speakers include Mike Amundsen, Wayne Berry, Charles Carroll, Michael Corning, Jeff Niblack, & Ken Spencer.
Greath resource of free scripts and tutorials!
Promising new site! Check out the question archives!
4GuysFromRolla: Web Technology, Programming, Humor... All this and it counts as work!
Free resource and opensource ASP applications for developers, the Community of volunteer developers working on the projects together you should visit.
15 Seconds Free Resources Center
Free resource for developers working with Microsoft Internet Solutions. 15 Seconds is the biggest IIS and ASP development resource in the world.